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Friday, September 25, 2009

Part2 EJB Assignment

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List of Assignments for cdac acts dabc,dac,dssd,desd presentation and question in cdac exam and in cdac .
CDAC is the best teachers are good i wish never had done btech only cdac:).

1. Create an EJB Component for displaying a message
2. Implement an Income Tax Calculator as a Stateless Session Bean.
3. Create a BMICalculatorBean using Stateless Session Beans with max capacity=10 and initial capacity=3 of beans in the pool.
4. Implement an Income Tax Calculator as a Stateful Session Bean
5. Repeat above exercise(assignment4) with the following parameters for beans in the cache
a. idle timeout (seconds) = 60 secs
b. max beans in cache = 3
c. session timeout (seconds) = use default value
d. cache type = NRU
6. Implement an AccountBean using Stateless Session Bean. Provide the account number and the pin number. Show the details of the account like bank balance, last transaction date, etc on verifying the user.
(Hint: take the support of Security Middleware service)
7. Write a simple application that writes to a message queue to test the message driven bean.
8. Develop an Entity Bean having the following details:
a. Create a table AirLine
1. HGF Create a table called "AirLine" as follows. Use MySQL as your backend database.
Table Name : AirLine
Columns : flightNumber( varchar(10) )
carrier ( varchar(10) )
type ( varchar(10) )
capacity (int)
availability (int)
departureCity ( varchar(10) )
arrivalCity ( varchar(10) )

PrimaryKey (flightNumber)
2. Populate table with some data
b. Implement the CMP Entity Bean for embodying the above business data.
c. Implement the finder methods for the following tasks.
1. find all airlines which fly between two given cities (departureCity and arrivalCity)
2. find all airlines by their type (type)
3. find all airlines matching the given string (carrier)

9. Develop a Message Driven Bean having the following information.
a. Develop a swing based JMS Producer to send images as messages to the JMS Topic which can be subscribed by various JMS consumers to retrieve and display. Implement a File Chooser dialog in your application to browse and choose images from local system.
b. Develop a swing based JMS Consumer to retrieve the image from above topic and display.
c. Define and configure a JMS Topic in WebLogic and test the above producer and consumer
10. Use the above designed EJB (Assignment 2 and assignment 4) in your JSP.
11. Create a web enterprise application with the following details:
This HTML page has two data fields so the user can enter a social security number and a multiplier. When the user clicks the Submit button, BonusServlet retrieves the end user data, looks up the session bean, and passes the user data to the session bean. The session bean calculates a bonus and returns the bonus value to the servlet. The servlet then returns another HTML page with the bonus value for the end user to view.

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