Jsp assignment with question objective and solution
JSP Assignment
1) Write a simple JSP to display a message “Welcome to DABC” using scriptlets, expressions.
2) Write a simple JSP using scriptlets to display the count of requests to that page.
3) Write a simple JSP using declaration and expression to display the count of requests to that page.
4) Write a JSP program to override the jspInit method in your program to obtain the initialization parameters in DD and display those parameters to the user.
5) Write a simple Bean Class Person with properties name and age. Use the standard actions to set and get the property of the bean class using the standard actions.
6) Repeat the above problem to set the property by taking input from the user without using “value” attribute of setProperty standard action, using param tag and without using param tag.
7) Create 2 Bean Classes and make one bean, the property of other. Write a JSP program to retrieve and display the property of a property.
8) Create a Text-field to take username as input and store it at application scope in a List object attribute. Everytime the name is submitted by user, display all the previously stored names using [] operator of the EL.
9) Write a JSP program with EL function invocation to display some message to the user.(using TLD and POJO)
10) Write a JSP program with EL function invocation to pass empno as argument to the function and get back the complete record for that employee and display it to the user. (Using TLD and POJO).
11) Write an application to create separate header and footer JSP fragments and include it in other 2 JSP pages using directive.
12) Modify the above program to customize the message in the header for the different pages using standard action.
13) Write a HTML form to take input from the user in the form of name of the page to be displayed, say, A.jsp or B.jsp, in the form of radio button, with action to A.jsp. If the user sends in the request for A.jsp then display the page otherwise forward the request to B.jsp using standard action.
14) Demonstrate the use of
15) Develop an Airlines Reservation System based on MVC architecture, using Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC.